Genre: Sprite has a mixture of romance, dark, and light, along with a few lines that are... supposed to be funny but probably aren't. In the first few chapters, Sprite gives off a more "Oh, it's just another AAMRN" kind of feeling, but later on it gets more serious and love isn't really the only problem, yet it still has some significance.
About: Sprite is a lot like a whole bunch of plots mixed together and put in chapter by chapter. A so-called 'brief description' can't help but become a 'detailed story all together' but basically, Ash and Misty land on a certain island, meeting some unusual people and animals. Eventually they're mixed up in an adventure they never wanted, and only want to get home at viridian, yet problems keep them busy and they spend a few years there, for so to speak.
World: Just to let you know, this isn't the kind of fanfic where you seperate the real world from a 'Pokemon World.' A doduo or dodrio may take place of a rooster, but there are several times when a 'real' animal is mentioned, like an ostrich, deer, or rabbit.
[Chapter One]
[Chapter Two]
[Chatper Three]
[Chapter Four]
[Chapter Five]
[Chapter Six]
[Chapter Seven]
[Chapter Eight]
The certain people they meet are sprites, or elf-like people. The whole island (along with its neighboring islands) is like a fairy tale fit onto a piece of land. There are no pokemon there; instead dragons rome freely along with plenty of other animals.
"Why can't I tell her that I love her...???" -Ash's Journal
Sprites, Faries, and... Love?
"You can't escape the press!" -Reporter #2
Love: A Tale of Trickery, Jealousy, Bravery, and Power
"I'm sure I'd die if I were separated from you, Shaharazad."
"Goodbye." -Jay and Shaharazad
Clone Trouble
"I'm sick of these damn clones!" -Ash
My Dragon, My Hatred, My Love, My World
"Lord Satoshi?" -Misty
Battle of the Elements!
"I accidentally said the wrong spell and they mysteriously appeared instead of... a metal pot!" -Ash
Battle of the Elements! II
"Holy shit!" -Misty
Flashbacks and the Final Fight (Battle of the Elements! III)
"Deynatsu... Dragon-vines!" -Ash
Shototsu Suru de Dekigoto
"I never forgot their names... like... Br- umm.... Brooke... Broke... Brak..." -Ash
"We were both only eleven, and we grew to twenty." -Misty